Our Open Space Management Solutions.
English Estates offer Housebuilders & Private Asset Owners two comprehensive Open Space Management Solutions.

Our Private Adoptions (PA) Package provides developers with a cost-effective option to relinquish their liabilities associated with an area of Public Open Space via a one-off commuted sum.
Acting as an alternative to a Local Authority (LA), developers and private asset owners can transfer their maintenance responsibilities and the accompanying liabilities over to English Estates, who will then manage and maintain these areas responsibly in perpetuity.
Our Annual Management Fee (AMF) Package differs from our PA Package as rather than a commuted fee, each resident contributes a yearly fee towards the upkeep and management of the Open Spaces within their development.
Our AMF Packages are site-specific to each development and we have ensured to provide our residents with numerous options in which to pay their fee, be it through our portal, bank transfer, cheque, or via telephone.
Following an appointment on a development, through either of our services, we liaise and listen to our residents to ensure that their open space is managed inline with their expectations, whilst ensuring our maintenance practices are sympathetic to the surrounding wildlife.